Isn't there some irony to generals branding their leader as "abusive"?
Did any of these retired generals speaking out against the civilians now running the military retire early or resign rather than execute the policies they now criticize? Are any current active-duty general or flag officers going to be leaving the service early because of these policies? No? Hmm.
Certain out-of-power liberals seem to be taking a little too much pleasure in seeing military officers second-guessing civilian authority when the second-guessing helps the OOPLs' position. Of course, the tendency to abandon what ought to be your principled position in order to win some political points knows no party, but I sure notice it more when Democrats do it.

I can attest to that; it's as if you NEVER notice when the GOP acts in this way.
Ah, but remember my metaphor of a state fair: You expect to smell manure in the livestock barn. You don't expect it at the scone booth.
Metaphor helper:
"manure" = scoring opportunistic political points at the expense of a larger principle
Republicans = "livestock barn"
Democrats = "scone booth"
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